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Testbook riyaziyyat: müəllimlərin diaqnostik qiymətləndirilməsi üçün testlər


Testbook Riyaziyyat: The Ultimate Online Platform for Mathematics Preparation

If you are looking for a reliable, convenient, and effective way to prepare for mathematics exams, you should check out Testbook Riyaziyyat. This is a website that offers online tests, questions, and feedback for various topics and levels of mathematics. Whether you are a student, a teacher, or a professional, you can benefit from using Testbook Riyaziyyat to enhance your mathematical skills and knowledge. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Testbook Riyaziyyat, how to use it, and how to ace it.

What is Testbook Riyaziyyat?

A brief introduction to the website and its features

Testbook Riyaziyyat is a part of, a popular online platform that provides test preparation services for various subjects and exams. Testbook Riyaziyyat is specifically designed for mathematics lovers who want to challenge themselves and improve their performance. The website offers thousands of tests and questions covering different topics and levels of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, logic, calculus, etc. You can choose from different types of tests, such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, true/false, etc. You can also customize your tests according to your preferences and needs.

testbook riyaziyyat

The benefits of using Testbook Riyaziyyat for mathematics learning and testing

There are many reasons why you should use Testbook Riyaziyyat for your mathematics preparation. Here are some of the benefits that you can enjoy:

  • You can access the website anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. You can practice at your own pace and convenience.

  • You can get instant feedback and analysis after completing each test. You can see your score, accuracy, time spent, strengths, weaknesses, etc. You can also compare your performance with other users and see where you stand.

  • You can learn from your mistakes and improve your skills. You can review the detailed solutions and explanations for each question. You can also bookmark the questions that you find difficult or interesting for future reference.

  • You can track your progress and achievements. You can see your test history, statistics, graphs, etc. You can also earn badges and rewards for completing certain tasks and milestones.

  • You can prepare for various exams and competitions. You can find tests and questions that are aligned with the syllabus and format of various exams, such as TQDK, YÖS, Magistratura, etc. You can also participate in mock tests and quizzes that simulate the real exam environment.

How to use Testbook Riyaziyyat?

The steps to register and access the website

To use Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to register on the website first. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Go to and click on the "Qeydiyyat" button on the top right corner.

  • Fill in your name, email address, password, phone number, etc. You can also sign up with your Facebook or Google account.

  • Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your inbox.

  • Choose your preferred language (Azerbaijani or English) and subject (Mathematics or other subjects).

  • Start exploring the website and taking tests.

<h The types of tests and questions available on the website

Once you have registered and logged in, you can access a variety of tests and questions on Testbook Riyaziyyat. You can browse through different categories and subcategories of mathematics, such as:

  • Arithmetic

  • Algebra

  • Geometry

  • Trigonometry

  • Calculus

  • Logic

  • Probability

  • Statistics

  • Linear Algebra

  • Discrete Mathematics

  • Number Theory

  • Combinatorics

  • Graph Theory

  • Cryptography

  • Game Theory

You can also search for specific topics or keywords using the search bar. You can filter the results by difficulty level, question type, exam type, etc.

You can choose from different types of tests and questions, such as:

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TestBook Riyaziyyat Diferensial TƏnlikLƏR VƏ Diferensial TƏnlik SistemLƏRİ TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat İnfinitesimal Hesab VƏ İnfinitesimal Analiz TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Düzgünlik VƏ Simmetriya TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Qrafik VƏ Qrafik FunksiyaLAR TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Statistika VƏ Ehtimal NƏzƏRİYYƏSİ TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Qrup VƏ Qrup ElementLƏRİ TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Rinq VƏ Rinq ElementLƏRİ TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Sahibkarlıq VƏ İqtisadi RiyazİYYAT TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Diskret Matematika VƏ Kombinatorika TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Alqoritm VƏ Proqramlaşdırma TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Kompüter SistemLƏRİ VƏ Şebekeleri TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat VerilEnlEr Bazası VƏ SQL Dili TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Sayt Hazırlama VƏ Web Dizayn TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Mobil Proqramlaşdırma VƏ Android Studio TestLƏRİ

TestBook Riyaziyyat Suni İntellekt VƏ Maşın ÖyrEnmEsi TestLƏRİ

  • Multiple-choice questions (MCQs): You have to select one correct option out of four or five given options.

  • Fill-in-the-blanks questions: You have to type in the correct answer in the blank space.

  • True/false questions: You have to decide whether a given statement is true or false.

  • Numeric entry questions: You have to enter a numerical value as the answer.

  • Matching questions: You have to match the items in two columns according to a given criterion.

  • Matrix questions: You have to fill in a matrix with the correct values.

  • Diagram questions: You have to draw or label a diagram according to the instructions.

  • Word problems: You have to solve a problem based on a real-life situation.

  • Puzzles: You have to find a logical solution to a given puzzle.

  • Riddles: You have to guess the answer to a clever or humorous question.

The feedback and analysis provided by the website

After completing each test, you can get immediate feedback and analysis from Testbook Riyaziyyat. You can see your score, accuracy, time spent, rank, percentile, etc. You can also see how you performed in each category and subcategory of mathematics. You can compare your performance with other users and see where you need to improve.

You can also review the detailed solutions and explanations for each question. You can see the correct answer, the steps involved, the formulas used, the tips and tricks, etc. You can also see the common mistakes and misconceptions that you should avoid. You can also bookmark the questions that you find difficult or interesting for future reference.

Tips and tricks to ace Testbook Riyaziyyat

How to plan your study schedule and goals

To ace Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to plan your study schedule and goals wisely. Here are some tips to help you do so:

  • Set realistic and specific goals for yourself. For example, you can aim to complete a certain number of tests or questions per day or week, or to achieve a certain score or percentile in a particular exam or topic.

  • Create a study timetable that suits your availability and preferences. For example, you can allocate a fixed amount of time per day or week for Testbook Riyaziyyat, or you can vary your schedule according to your mood and energy levels.

  • Prioritize the topics and levels that are most important or challenging for you. For example, you can focus on the topics that are frequently asked or weighted in your target exam, or on the topics that you are weak or interested in.

  • Balanc e your study time with other activities and hobbies. For example, you can take breaks, relax, exercise, socialize, etc. to avoid burnout and boredom.

  • Review your progress and achievements regularly. For example, you can check your test history, statistics, graphs, badges, rewards, etc. to see how far you have come and how much you have improved.

How to practice effectively and efficiently

To practice effectively and efficiently on Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to follow some strategies and techniques. Here are some tips to help you do so:

  • Choose the tests and questions that match your level and goal. For example, you can start with the easy or medium level tests and questions to build your confidence and foundation, or you can jump to the hard or expert level tests and questions to challenge yourself and test your limits.

  • Read the instructions and questions carefully and thoroughly. For example, you can look for keywords, clues, hints, etc. that can help you understand the question and eliminate the wrong options.

  • Use the tools and features provided by the website to enhance your learning experience. For example, you can use the calculator, the timer, the scratchpad, the bookmark, etc. to help you solve the questions faster and easier.

  • Check your answers and solutions before submitting them. For example, you can recheck your calculations, logic, reasoning, etc. to avoid careless mistakes and errors.

  • Learn from your feedback and analysis after completing each test. For example, you can review the solutions and explanations for each question, identify your strengths and weaknesses, learn from your mistakes and misconceptions, etc.

How to review your mistakes and improve your skills

To review your mistakes and improve your skills on Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to adopt a growth mindset and a positive attitude. Here are some tips to help you do so:

  • Don't be discouraged or frustrated by your mistakes or low scores. Instead, see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

  • Don't compare yourself with others or judge yourself harshly. Instead, focus on your own improvement and progress.

  • Don't repeat the same mistakes or avoid the same topics. Instead, try to understand why you made those mistakes or why you found those topics difficult.

  • Don't memorize the answers or solutions blindly. Instead, try to understand the concepts and principles behind them.

  • Don't limit yourself to one type of question or topic. Instead, try to diversify your practice and exposure to different types of questions and topics.


A summary of the main points and a call to action

Testbook Riyaziyyat is a great online platform for mathematics preparation. It offers online tests, questions, feedback, analysis for various topics and levels of mathematics. It helps you to practice at your own pace and convenience, get instant feedback and analysis, learn from your mistakes and improve your skills, track your progress and achievements, prepare for various exams and competitions. To use Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to register on the website first. Then you can choose from different types of tests and questions according to your preferences and needs. To ace Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to plan your study schedule and goals wisely, practice effectively and efficiently, review your mistakes and improve your skills constantly. If you follow these tips and tricks, you will surely succeed in Testbook Riyaziyyat.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sign up for Testbook Riyaziyyat today! You will not regret it!


What is Testbook Riyaziyyat?

Testbook Riyaziyyat is a part of, a popular online platform that provides test preparation services for various subjects and exams. Testbook Riyaziyyat is specifically designed for mathematics lovers who want to challenge themselves and improve their performance. The website offers thousands of tests and questions covering different topics and levels of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, logic, calculus, etc.

How to register and access Testbook Riyaziyyat?

To use Testbook Riyaziyyat, you need to register on the website first. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Go to and click on the "Qeydiyyat" button on the top right corner.

  • Fill in your name, email address, password, phone number, etc. You can also sign up with your Facebook or Google account.

  • Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your inbox.

  • Choose your preferred language (Azerbaijani or English) and subject (Mathematics or other subjects).

  • Start exploring the website and taking tests.

What are the benefits of using Testbook Riyaziyyat?

There are many benefits of using Testbook Riyaziyyat for your mathematics preparation. Here are some of them:

  • You can access the website anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. You can practice at your own pace and convenience.

  • You can get instant feedback and analysis after completing each test. You can see your score, accuracy, time spent, strengths, weaknesses, etc. You can also compare your performance with other users and see where you stand.

  • You can learn from your mistakes and improve your skills. You can review the detailed solutions and explanations for each question. You can also bookmark the questions that you find difficult or interesting for future reference.

  • You can track your progress and achievements. You can see your test history, statistics, graphs, etc. You can also earn badges and rewards for completing certain tasks and milestones.

  • You can prepare for various exams and competitions. You can find tests and questions that are aligned with the syllabus and format of various exams, such as TQDK, YÖS, Magistratura, etc. You can also participate in mock tests and quizzes that simulate the real exam environment.

How to choose the tests and questions on Testbook Riyaziyyat?

You can choose from different types of tests and questions on Testbook Riyaziyyat according to your preferences and needs. You can browse through different categories and subcategories of mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, logic, probability, statistics, etc. You can also search for specific topics or keywords using the search bar. You can filter the results by difficulty level, question type, exam type, etc.

How to get feedback and analysis on Testbook Riyaziyyat?

After completing each test, you can get immediate feedback and analysis from Testbook Riyaziyyat. You can see your score, accuracy, time spent, rank, percentile, etc. You can also see how you performed in each category and subcategory of mathematics. You can compare your performance with other users and see where you need to improve. You can also review the detailed solutions and explanations for each question. You can see the correct answer, the steps involved, the formulas used , the tips and tricks, etc. You can also see the common mistakes and misconceptions that you should avoid. You can also bookmark the questions that you find difficult or interesting for future reference. 44f88ac181

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